Media Updates

It is often assumed that Israel's occupation of Palestine is a religious conflict between Muslims and Jews rather than a...
December 30, 2024

Publication and Resources

January 05, 2025
Palestinian territorial interests in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are declining daily as Israel relentlessly continues its settlement and annexation planned policies. Today, approximately...
July 29, 2024
Jerusalem is the heart of Palestine and the Arab world. Since the Nakba of 1948, the city has suffered radical demographic and geographical changes due to Israeli policies of forcible displacement...
December 21, 2023
This report highlights key facts and forms of Israeli incitement and discrimination over a decade against Palestinian Christians, who suffer at the hands of the occupying power along with Palestinian...
November 12, 2023
1. What's the root cause of the "problem"? Essentially, it is the denial of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. Since 1917, Western/British colonialism prepared the conditions...