Dr. Saeb Erekat on Netanyahu’s Decision to “exclude Europe from the Peace Process”

Press Releases
November 30, 2015

With his latest decision regarding the European Union, Prime Minister Netanyahu insists in blackmailing the international community. His goal is clear: To maintain his culture of impunity in order to continue violating international law. 

Israeli settlements are not just a violation of international law but a war crime. Labeling settlement products is the least the European Union could do with such products. While we welcomed this decision, we insist that this is an insufficient step since such products should be banned. 

Israel has violated all signed agreements, stopped negotiations and erased the principles of the two-state solution. Netanyahu’s political program of one state and two systems, Apartheid, is what we have left on the ground. 

Now the Israeli government threatens to exclude Europe for whatever is left of the so called 'peace process.’ This is a disingenuous step from a government that has repeatedly rejected the two-state solution, both in their political program and on the ground.  Mr. Netanyahu: Because of your policies there is no peace process for anyone to be involved in. Europe will miss nothing with your new public relations campaign.

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