Dr. Saeb Erekat Responds to Nikky Haley and Calls for an Immediate International Investigation into the Crimes of the Israeli Occupation

Press Releases
April 07, 2018

Once again, the US administration and its representatives, including Nikki Haley, have chosen to disregard Israeli crimes against the people of Palestine while encouraging Israel to commit more violations of international law. The US administration is intentionally ignoring the killing of the defenseless Palestinian protestors in the Gaza Strip who are exercising their natural human and political right to peacefully demonstrate for freedom and to end the Israeli occupation that has lasted more than fifty years.

Additionally, the Trump administration, represented by its envoy Jason D. Greenblatt, has assumed the role of a spokesperson for the Israeli occupation by dictating orders to our people in the Gaza Strip and by telling them what they should do or not do. It has also attempted to legitimize the Israeli illegal imposition that Palestinians in Gaza "should remain outside the 500-meter buffer zone".

The international community is obliged to hold Israel accountable and to immediately take the necessary steps to deter Israel from killing more Palestinians and committing further crimes.  The people of Palestine strive for freedom and justice; we struggle to end Israel's belligerent occupation and have the right to raise our voices high and use all peaceful means to expose this injustice. 

We will continue to pursue our rights in international forums through peaceful legal and political efforts towards opening an immediate investigation into Israeli crimes. We will submit files of Israeli war criminals to the International Criminal Court and other UN bodies in order to protect the rights of our people, secure international protection and hold the Israeli occupation accountable for its systematic and persistent violations of international law.

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